Syndicate Rules
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Syndicate Rules


Fees remain the same as the 2020 season £150. payable by 28th Feb

We will assume members, failing to pay by this date wish to opt-out.

Applications from new members will be considered, after 28th Feb.

The Syndicate will not accept responsibility for injury, damage or loss of property.


Upper Beat

North bank form Eggleston Burn to the Cliff Pool. This beat is fly only for Salmon Sea Trout and Grayling.

Middle Beat

Both Banks from Cliff Pool to the Tunnel. The middle beat is fly only for Salmon, Sea Trout and Grayling. Spinning is allowed when the water is above 1 foot on the bridge gauge.

Lower Beat

Fished from the East bank the Lower Beat starts at the Tunnel and ends at Raygill Beck. All legitimate methods approved under the Rod Fishing Bye-Laws for the River Tees are permissible on this beat.

National bye-laws must be observed and it is up to anglers to familiarise themselves with the Regional Rod fishing Byelaws: North-East Region to be read in the context of the Northumbrian Area.

Rod Fishing Bye Laws

No Dogs Allowed.

The Syndicate operates a catch & release policy for all species.

Gaffs are forbidden and only approved knotless nets are to be used!

Members are expected to avoid damaging the river banks and land surrounding our waters.

Compliance with the Country Code is taken as read.


Grayling - 16th June and closes on the 14th March.
Trout - 22nd March to the 30th September inclusive.
Salmon - 31 January to 1st November.
The Sea trout - 2nd April to 1st November. Tel: 07830441884 Printable Map Syndicate Rules
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