President's Notes 2022
Dear Fellow Angler,
A happy new Year everybody. Where did last year go! It’s that time of year when we need to ask you for your
membership fees. We would also like your catch returns please and an estimate of how many hours fishing effort
(a rough idea is fine).
I am not expecting any great surprises on the Salmon front! I know of 8 caught from our beat and I’m hoping
there are a few more I didn’t know about, but last season was very poor. I only had two off the beat – an all
time low (rock bottom actually).
We need this year’s subscription in by 31st January. However, please don’t be concerned if you haven’t paid
by that date, this is when we have to pay, as long as you let me know before the 31st January you intend
staying in. You have until 29th February in reality (provided you don’t intend fishing before then).
Subscriptions can be paid into account number 03073947 sort code 20-01-96.
If I don’t receive your subscriptions and don’t hear from you before 31st January places will be made available
to new members who have expressed an interest. Founder members will always get priority, but I am sure you can
understand we need to ensure we gain sufficient members to make the syndicate viable. For that reason we have
increased membership for this new season to 40 (35 last year).
As we did last year we will be holding a number of working parties when the weather gets a bit better, one of
the main purposes of this year’s working parties will be the finishing off of our club house.
I will have these dates to you by the end of this month.
Game Fishing Seasons 2022 - River Tees
Salmon & Sea Trout 1st Feb to 31st Oct
Trout 22nd March to 31st Sept
Sea Trout 3rd April to 31st Oct
Day Tickets
Day Tickets are available .......................
See Map for details and please respect the fact you may be a guest on private land.
Q. Where can I get a beer with fellow anglers?
A. The Kirk Inn, Romaldkirk.
Fish Catches
It is important you record days fished and catch ...........